Is it Fraud? What to do? Special Offering to Help Clear the Fog

Too often clients approach us, usually from an introduction made by a trusted advisor (lawyer/solicitor/barrister, accountant, friend), after losses have occurred and when reaching that awful epiphany when it seems fairly clear someone or some organization has taken the client for a ride.

The longer a fraudster is allowed to continue manipulating, bluffing or stealing, the more painful and costly removing them becomes and the more challenging to recover losses.

Clients get tricked into throw hundreds of thousands or millions at investment scammers and then are left feeling the pinch after the fact or during the process, reluctant then to pay the fees for a professional to stop the bleeding and to attempt either pursuing justice and/or recovering assets, if and when that is viable. It is a normal psychological, emotional response. We would like to lower the barrier to take action, whether for the end client or for the client’s trusted advisor who seeks our help to help their clients.

All of us in this profession wish we could prevent fraud from affecting our clients. It is not possible. Fraud will affect every business person in one form or the other at least once in his/her lifetime or career. Fraud reduction is great; but so few businesses, particularly small to medium sized businesses, invest in fraud reduction programs.

We would be happy if we could at least get the call sooner. Nothing feels worse than hearing a frustrated, deflated client say: “I wish I knew you existed earlier.”

With that in mind, we’d like to extend a special offering (not a special offer, which would indicate a 1-time, short-term promotion, but rather a running special program) to companies (end clients or their trusted advisors) to contact us for an initial consultation and review of a situation to assess if its likely fraud and to recommend a course of action or actions. The idea is to determine if a problem really does exist and to have a viable plan available to deal with it if it is fraud. And because losses may have already occurred and knowing how sensitive companies can be when facing these kinds of unpleasant uncertainties, we will cap the cost of this preliminary analysis and outlining of potential response scenarios at €3,000.

We strongly believe, based on decades of experience, that early assessment and response saves money, saves businesses and saves reputations. Reputations are priceless and should be protected at any (reasonable) cost!

Contact us to enquire and learn more what Halo Global Response can do to help you or to help you help your clients.

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